Wednesday, March 14, 2007

You're Welcome, Baby

The Australian Breastfeeding Association recognise that the mother/baby dyad have special needs at large events like Hot Milk!

Quiet infants-in-arms and non-separating children are welcome. To meet the needs of restless babies and little ones, we ask that these needs be met outside the meeting rooms.

In order to fully participate in the educational sessions, some mothers find it easier to bring a support person to the conference to provide care for their children outside the meeting rooms.

For the convenience of mothers caring for their babies and toddlers, two areas will be available with a direct audio/video link to the main lecture theatre. These include a quiet zone for feeding and sleeping infants plus a separate play area for unsettled or active babies. Mothers and carers will also find the conference venue to be pram and toddler friendly, with plenty of open space indoors as well as access to nearby parks and walkways(weather permitting!)Please note formal child care is NOT provided. An optional family activity program is available for carers and children.